This Page will be dedicated to the frog family as we grew up together. Mostly they will be of Amie,  Don,  Diane or the Frog, but if a stranger slips in do not hold it against me There will be no special order of pictures just as I find a picture I like I will add it to the page. Some pictures may have an explanation some may not but deserve one.
Frog Pond TalesAsk if you want to know what it's all about.

 In today's world, the picture below would be considered pornography. Tom bet you didn't know the girl you would marry once had a chubby behind, but then there are certain things you do not ask about, you just find out for yourself. It's sort of like a crap shoot, You get what you get.


 The picture of the dog is of Heidi and our small parrot,  Clyde. The way Heidi is looking at Clyde, seems she is thinking of dinner. These pictures were taken in August of 1973.


Notice the colored patio stone, that was one of my inventions that someone else got the credit for. I purchased the stone, laid them in a square. I then filled the area between the stones with small  rocks. I knew I would have a problem keeping the small stones in place so I used Elmer's Glue to hold them in place. Now Elmer's glue is not water proof so I applied a layer of water proofer to the top. This was before epoxy. It became a yearly job of water proofing the patio as the water proofer was not freeze proof. Remember you saw it here first, someone else made millions on my invention.

It is quite a funny story of how Heidi got pregnant but because . I am too old to be afraid of going to jail just because I promoted two dogs to make love. Actually any of you who have female dogs, who have not been fixed know that when the female comes in to her time she will attract all the male dogs in the neighborhood, well Heidi was no different. Her special friend was Butchy a miniature with the same markings as Heidi. One afternoon when Heidi was ready Butchy came strolling by. We let Heidi out to say hello. A nature calls they said a little more than hello. After they had done the dirty deed, we looked out the window, and there they were stuck together like two trucks going in opposite  directions. Well we had read about this in our doggy mating book, you know the kind you get in the mail in a brown paper wrapping. The doggy book said locking together was common to the breed and that we should just put them in a quiet place where they could relax and mother nature would work every thing out. So now the plot thickens. Diane and I went down to the basement family room. We lit some candles, turned down the lights and turned on the stereo to some quiet music. Then we again went out back where the  two dogs were still locked together. We could see they were hurting as Butchy was about twice as long as he was before and Heidi was beginning to look a little inside out. So as the quiet place was ready I picked up Butchy and Diane picked up Heidi  and we carefully carried the two dogs down into the family room as one. We set them down and closed the door and went upstairs. After about 20 minutes we went down to check on them. Just like the book said there they were two dogs again, happily running around licking their sore spots.                                                                               Any way Heidi had 3 puppies and as you can see they loved playing with Amie. 


The center picture above may give the impression that we were cruel and improper parents. That we did not feed Amie good wholesome food.   That was not true as you can see. Amie had the idea that when the pups were away anything left in the bowl was anyone's food."
The woman holding Amie below for those who do not know is Grammy. Diane's, mother Martha Ellis. 


The pictures above are of Amie's first birthday party, we then shift below to Mark Umbauch's birthday party.

One thing Amie enjoyed was eating spaghetti, as you can see below, We never could break her of the habit of eating with her hands.


Amie made fun of the picture above. She said it looked like she was floating away. I may remove it later  but as for now I like it and as the
 old saying goes Its nice being the web page guy>"