Frog's Page

Frog  Pond














The picture to the right is of Mimi and Del Thibodeaux, a fellow Air Force buddy who I only new for about 3 weeks while we were traveling to our duty assignment in England.
As was typical of the Air Force, they goofed up our orders and Del, Mac Dumler, Hank Smith, Fred Worth and me were told once we arrived in Germany that our orders had been redlined and new orders for England were being issued. Well we just goofed around for about 3 weeks with no orders and our money running out quickly before I went out to the flight line and got the orders off of the C47 pilot who had been carrying them around Europe not knowing who to give them to. There is a lot more to that story that I may add later.
The picture above is the the Rockin Aces, a band that Del was in after he got out of the Air Force. Del was raised in Louisiana and the deep south is where Rock and Roll started
The picture to the left looks like Mimi and Del are dressed for a Halloween party. Actually Mimi is from Cuba and I heard see makes a lot of her own clothes. It looks like she made an evening gown which Del is modeling  for her, and the mini dress she has on was for those hot days in Houston where they live. I must say Del does cut a fancy pose.

The following 2 pictures are of Brenda and Mac Dumler, we can see by the first picture they have both aged very nicely. I do not know the name of the dog. I am sure they feed him well but by his pose in the picture it looks like he wants to bite the camera man.

These next 2 pictures are of Ruth and Don Lewis. Don called to say they were going to be in town from their home near Atlanta. Even though it rained, Don and I played 9 holes of golf on a very  damp and misty day. I do not know if Don was putting me on or maybe he is really just a little better than I am. I think he was thinking of Hank Smith who golf's a lot than I do. Don had a little trouble that day because he had a bad back and it effected his swing. But knowing Don he was probably trying to get me to make a bet. Don was known as one of the best pool sharks in the Air Force so knowing that I did not make any bets with him.

This next picture of Ruth and Don was taken in our sun room. I mentioned our young sexy next door neighbors liked to jog around their house naked about this time of the evening. I was just joking as it was more like a tag team race since there was a lot of touching and giggling going on. You can see the interest they both had. Ruth had to hold Don back as he wanted to play to. By the looks of the over hang at his belt line I doubt if he would be able to catch up, but Ruth looked like she was still in pretty good shape. She had more of a chance to catch them.