Frog Pond Tales   September 2008   Diane and Don

     Roughing it at the Happy Acre

    With Marilyn and Jim Lindner                      

The slide show to the right were taken during a visit we took to an old friend's cabin, Jim Lindner,  who I have known  from  (SHHS) (South Hills High School,  Mount Oliver, and the Stanley Theatre.  Their cabin was located in Eastern Pa. As you will see we did some fishing, eating watching DVD's I had brought from home  The food was good and renewing  old friendships was even better. Except for the yearly Christmas card  we had lost track of each other for nearly 40 years as it wasn't until the SHHS 40 class reunion did we get together again. You can see a younger  Jim in the 40 and 45th  reunion pictures and the camping pictures I took when we worked at the Stanley Theater in Pittsburgh

Jim made a mistake while attending the SHHS 45 year reunion. He invited Diane and me to visit them at their cabin in Eastern Pa. I  decided to take him up on it when I felt cabin fever in late August. We decided a September visit would fit into our time schedules.

Thank God for our GPS trip maker as we would never have been able to find their cabin without it.  We traveled on inter state roads down to a single lane dirt road that took us through a state park for about 20 miles.



Minnie enjoyed herself as you will see, as a matter of fact one tine she saw Jim toss a fish back into the pond one day and I think
she wanted to go after it. That was the closest she has gotten to open water in a long  time, that is since she stepped off of the
dock when we were going to take the boat to a island in Lake Erie. She had a life preserver on and Diane had her by a leash.
 But since then she has been deathly afraid of open water. You can see her in several of the pictures nosing into the reeds by the
 side of the pond. I don't think she knew there was water on the other side.
The catchy background music is from the real Soggy Bottom Boys made famous in the movie "O God wherefore art thou"