This is the Ellis Family       

Frog Pond


Slides Shows

Sonny asks "Why did my  little tree die"

Kim and Jeff's Rehearsal Dinner 4/28/06

The Wedding  4/29/06

The Reception  4/29/06

The Honeymoon Night



To the right and below are 2 of Sonny Ellis's daughters. Noreen and Karen. Can you guess who's daughter is pictured above.


Below we have Arthur Napolitano, Amie, Donny, Donna and Susan.  Susan ,Donny and Amie along with Grandma Martha Ellis. 



Above are two pictures of Great Great Uncle Fred Delmer with Amie and cousin Susan

  Below right is Sonny (Walter) Ellis Diane's brother and his family, Karen , Kay John, Noreen. Also shown is Susan Ronny's daughter. The left picture we slipped the Lamoreaux family into the picture. I do not know where Amie had gone. The woman between Sonny and Donny is Alice Crowley.


Above is Sonny, Joe Santos and Kay Dahmer.        Below right is Kay Dahmar Joe Santos and Ronny Ellis, Diane's brother. 

Above is Sonny Ellis, Arthur and Donna Napolitano                             Amie and Uncle Fred and Aunt Kay above and to the left below Amie and Uncle Fred                                                                     we are not sure who is the sleeping baby below is, It could be Donny.

          The pictures of the grave stones below are believed to be marking the grave sites of Diane's  grand mother and grand father on her father Walter's side of the family, they are located in Massachusetts

Never trust a smiling silver haired uncle. Can you guess what Sonny was proposing to his niece Amie.