Lamoreaux Family This is The Hamel Family       

Frog Pond




Aunt Huntz and Uncle Ed with their grand dog Teddy. You can see a little of the Roehler in Teddy                






 Ed  ( Deke )  Hamel passed away Monday April 17th 2006 after a fall at home just before Christmas and a possible stroke at the nursing home where he was being treated for the injury caused by the fall.. We were all there, laughing and crying at the the stories Lee told of his adventures with Cecil Brooks  in southern Ohio. We knew Ed loved hearing these stories and was laughing along with us. We will all miss him.

Above and to the left is a picture of Uncle Ed and Hunz (Alama) Hamel with their grand children Tommy J and Kristy Hamel The picture was taken at Don and Jen's wedding.

Below Lee Hamel making presentation rifle for  2005 NRA convention. That's Cecil Brooks who taught Lee all he knows about the rifle they make. That's Lee in the buckskins presenting the NRA rifle at the 2005 convention to Tom  Delay


The following pictures are of  the 2006 NRA presentation rifle that Lee will be presenting  to General Tommy Franks. The rifle and a spare are presently engraved as  Hamel-Brooks,  although they are entirely made by Lee.





These are pictures of a pistol Lee made.                                                                  Cecil and Lee presenting a rifle at a function.

Also shown is the log cabin Lee built and lives in. ( No running water) To the right is the  shop where he builds his rifles. You might recognize some of the planks that make up the shop as they look very similar to planks from a certain old bridge that was torn down in Amherst  





We got to finally meet Amy, Lee's special friend.When introducing Amy to a friend of his he called her his wife. That would be great as Amy seems to be a special person. Amy  will need to be a special person get the hills out of Lee. I hope for Amy's sake if they do marry Lee puts in some indoor plumbing.








Christie's wedding

 These are Ed and Huntz's grand children and great grand children.